I suppose it was inevitable
that computerised robotic technology would be applied to warfare in the 21st
century. The US government is now using drones…unmanned aerial vehicles
equipped with missiles as part of its offensive against the Islamist Al Qaeda
terrorist organisation and its affiliates in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Horn
of Africa. These vehicles are piloted remotely by technicians operating from
desks in mainland America, who from afar, conduct a variety of operations from
surveillance to identification to the launch of air to ground missiles against targets
on the other side of the world.
These hugely effective weapons
enable states such as the USA and the UK to take the offensive against their
enemies without putting their own personnel directly in harm’s way.
Unlike the ever evolving and
varied offensive weaponry available to the 21st century military,
true believers engaged in the daily spiritual battle have only one offensive
weapon which has remained unchanged but totally effective for thousands of
years………..the Bible, God’s Holy and inerrant Word.
The great evangelist,
Charles Hadden Spurgeon speaking in 1891 put the spiritual battle in
perspective: “Our warfare is not child's play: we mean business. We have to
deal with fierce foes, who are only to be met with keen weapons. Buffets will
not suffice in this contest; we must come to sword-cuts. You may be of a very
quiet spirit, but your adversaries are not so. If you attempt to play at
Christian warfare, they will not. To meet the powers of darkness is no sham
battle. They mean mischief. Nothing but your eternal damnation will satisfy the
fiendish hearts of Satan and his crew.”
The Apostle Paul in his discourse
on the Armour of God is quite clear that believers need to take up, “the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” This is a mandate for the offensive:
true believers must pick up God’s word, read and study it daily; commit it to
memory and put it into practice.
The great theologian and
writer John MacArthur affirms the primacy of the ‘sword of the spirit’ in the
life of every true believer: “Because in all that it affirms it is without
error, because in every single thing it says it is without error, because it is
complete and there is no more to be added to it, nor is there anything to be
taken away from it, it is therefore……. the authoritative Word of God. It is
precisely what God wanted to say. And that is why Isaiah 1:2 says, “Hear, O
heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord has spoken.”
Since this is the
infallible, inerrant complete authoritative Word of God, it is sufficient. We
don’t need anything else. We do not need anything else. Psalm 19 lays that out
a number of ways. It is sufficient not only for our salvation, converting the
soul, but it is sufficient to make the simple, or the ignorant wise, fully
skilled in all matters of holy living, is what that means.”
Jesus himself was directly
attacked by Satan at the beginning of his ministry. When tempted in the
wilderness by the evil one, Jesus responded using his knowledge of the
scriptures, quoting from the Psalms and the book of Deuteronomy.
If the scriptures as they
existed two thousand years ago were good enough for Jesus, they should
certainly be good enough for all true believers in 21st century
Scotland. So let’s encourage and
cultivate the habit of daily Bible reading and study.