The Church of Scotland’s
Israel bashing continued at the 2013 General Assembly. Despite being widely and
angrily condemned by Jewish groups and the Israeli government as anti-Semitic
and anti-Israel, the Church and Society Council report on Israel/Palestine
titled "The Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the ‘Promised Land,” was
accepted by the General Assembly.
There was a lively debate
about the theology and politics in the document, as well as about the friction
the report caused between the Church of Scotland and the Jewish community.
The Convener of the Church
and Society Council Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, said: “This is primarily a report highlighting the
continued occupation by the state of Israel and the injustices faced by the
Palestinian people as a consequence. It is not a report criticising the Jewish
people. Opposing the unjust policies of the state of Israel cannot be equated
to anti-Semitism..........The on-going conflict in Israel and the Occupied
Palestinian Territory has been an issue close to the heart of the Church of
Scotland – we have a long relationship with the region and have many friends
there......................The Church has kept on thinking about ways we can
contribute to a just and peaceful solution.”
Meanwhile, the Church of
Scotland........a supposed Christian organisation which claims the ‘Occupied Palestinian
Territory is an issue close to the heart of the Church of Scotland’, has so far
chosen to ignore the persecution of Palestinian Christians living in Gaza.
The Catholic Herald recently
reported that five Church Schools are under threat in Gaza because of Hamas’s
intention to extend its version of Islam throughout the territory. The writer
of the Archbishop Cranmer blog has noted: “For some, this will be the first
chill wind signalling what a Palestinian state dominated by Islamists will mean
for Palestinian Christians. But such folk have missed warning signs going back
many years.”
Back in 2005, the US State
Department recorded abuse of Palestinian Christians by individuals and
institutions, such as government and the police. The report noted:
“The PA judiciary failed to
adjudicate numerous cases of seizures of Christian-owned land in the Bethlehem
area by criminal gangs. There were credible reports that PA security forces and
judicial officials colluded with gang members to extort property illegally from
Christians. Several attacks against Christians in Bethlehem went unaddressed by
the PA, but authorities investigated attacks against Muslims in the same area.”
Few attacks on Christians
and their property by fellow Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are reported
by the Western media e.g. the kidnap and murder by Jihadists in Gaza of Bible Society official Rami Ayyad ; the torching of
the YMCA in the West Bank town of Qalqilya and church schools in Gaza.
Most information about the
harassment and persecution of Palestinian Christians by other Palestinians comes
from Israeli-Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh. Risking his life, he reports on ‘corruption
within the Palestinian Authority leadership, and the way in which Palestinian
leaders talk peace for eager Western ears whilst inciting their citizens (in
Arabic) to believe that their Jewish neighbour can be eliminated.’
He insists that the exodus of
Christians from Palestine is not caused, as many including the Church of
Scotland would have us believe, to the Israeli ‘occupation’, but to their increasing
persecution at the hands of Muslim neighbours.
The writer of the Archbishop
Cranmer blog notes further that: “One young Christian Palestinian woman – who
had to flee her West Bank home because she dared to challenge the narrative
that holds Israel responsible for all Palestinian woes – has spoken to
audiences of all faiths and none in the UK and Europe about the unnecessary
poverty and misery which years of mismanagement and corruption have brought to
all Palestinians. She has also given accounts of the discrimination Palestinian
Christians suffer at the hands of fellow Palestinians from both her own and her
friends’ experience.
At a recent meeting in the Midlands, she told
how, earlier this year, a student was beaten up by his classmates in a
classroom in front of a teacher, with no action taken against the perpetrators.
His crime ? Refusing to give up his Christian faith and adopt Islam. She tells
tales of the way in which she and other Christian students were sexually
harassed by Muslim boys on their way to university because, unlike Muslim
girls, they had to share public transport with the boys.”
I always thought that the
church should stand for the truth and should always strive to protect the
defenceless, particularly if they are people who stand for Christ ....after all
that’s what the Bible teaches.
When will the Church of
Scotland abandon its double standards, take a stand for truth and start
supporting the real victims of persecution...... the Christians of the Palestinian
Let’s hope that more Scottish
Christians will stand up to the untrue and unchristian Palestinian narrative
being propagated by the Church of Scotland. Christians owe that to their persecuted
brothers and sisters in Christ whom the Church of Scotland would appear to have
chosen to ignore.
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