Regular readers will be all too aware of my concern about the threat society faces from the aggressive and
seemingly unrelenting onward march of secularism. On closer examination of this
phenomenon, it is clear that those who are at the leading edge of the
secularist assault on Christian belief and practice, tend to be intellectuals
with a background in academia.
With this in mind, I was
intrigued by a recent article in RELEVANT magazine entitled, ‘Why Aren’t More
Intellectuals Believers?’ by David Denison, a psychologist from Sam Houston
State University in the USA.
According to a recent review
of 63 studies over decades, researchers at the University of Rochester have
concluded that “religious people are less intelligent than non-believers.”
Dennison, who is a born again Christian, argues that, ‘the Rochester report
cannot be dismissed by the religious community. We must recognize as an objective
fact that people with higher IQs are turning to atheism’.
Christians therefore need to
ask the question, ‘why is it that our brightest and best minds are not believers?’
Dennison postulates two
Firstly, academia is intrinsically
hostile to belief in God. Quoting a 2009 study by Dr Brent Slife of this 'pervasive,
implicit bias,' Dennison argues that, "the result of this bias is that the most
intelligent people (since they are likely to attend college and grad school)
are exposed to tremendous negative pressure from both mentors and peers
regarding their beliefs."
Secondly and most
importantly, Dennison argues that church culture in the developed world is
hostile to intellectual scrutiny: “I have experienced firsthand the judgmental
glares of church ladies who didn’t take kindly to me polluting their potluck fellowships
with tough theological questions. Once the conversation gets messier than the
Sloppy Joes, it’s time to wrap it up with the catch-all ‘His ways are higher
than our ways,’ or ‘If we knew everything we wouldn’t need God now, would we?’
This has to stop.”
I agree
wholeheartedly with these sentiments. Our evangelical churches, if they are to
survive and prosper in the 21st century need to become places where
questioning and debate are welcomed.
After all, scripture tells us that the Jews of Berea were
commended in the book of Acts because: “they examined the Scriptures every day
to see if what Paul said was true. As a result, many of them believed.”
Sadly, many of Scotland's
evangelical church leaders foster a 'culture of compliance' that is far removed from one which commends those
who question their teachings.
Scripture calls believers to
‘contend for the faith’, something which is more urgently required than at any
time in the history of the church. If Christians cannot even ask the hard
questions of themselves, how are they going to be able to ‘contend for the
faith’ in a hostile world..........simple really!
Concluding his article, David
Dennison makes this plea: “As followers of Christ, we must not only make the
Church a place that is open to the questions of others, we must ask tough
questions ourselves. Our faith should be based on what we are certain of, not
just on how we feel. If our belief in God is rooted solely in the shallow soil
of human emotions, this shallowness will be evident in the fruit that our faith
We are not called to blind
faith. We are called to let the Spirit ‘guide us to all truth.’ And when you
know the truth, the truth will set you free.”
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