Ask most Scottish evangelical
Christians for their opinion on the many social, economic, political or
cultural matters which are part and parcel of our national life and you will be
lucky to get a coherent response. At best this group is extremely circumspect
about expressing a clear opinion about anything.
There are however some exceptions to
this general observation. Evangelicals do get exercised about matters like same
sex marriage. However, lack of credibility with ordinary people after decades
of a ‘head in the sand’ attitude to a
changing society, has left evangelical Christians floundering at the
margins, comprehensively and repeatedly out thought and out fought by the
‘media savvy’ secularists.
Gambling is yet another issue which
seems to get under the skin of evangelical Christians from time to time. Most
regard this activity as sinful and any evangelical groups involved in social
action will routinely refuse to accept funding for their ‘good cause’ from the
National Lottery because, as they see it, it’s gambling!
I used to believe that gambling was a
sin ……..not anymore!
Indeed frowning on those who make a
donation to a good cause by buying a raffle ticket at a fete, gala or bring and
buy sale in aid of many good causes merely serves to further disconnect
evangelicals from the very people to whom they have been commissioned by Jesus
to bring the good news of the Gospel.
Such hypocrisy and pettiness in the
name of ‘Christian political correctness’ dishonours the name of the Living
As a born again Christian, I know that
the timeless values of the Bible trumps the shifting sand of cultural norms. I
was therefore not surprised to find that the Bible does not specifically
condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery.
According to the ’Got Questions’ website: “While the
Bible does not explicitly mention gambling, it does mention events of “luck” or
“chance.” As an example, casting lots is used in Leviticus to choose between
the sacrificial goat and the scapegoat. Joshua cast lots to determine the
allotment of land to the various tribes. Nehemiah cast lots to determine who
would live inside the walls of Jerusalem. The apostles cast lots to determine the
replacement for Judas. Proverbs 16:33 says “The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is
from the Lord.”
I rest my case!!
So the next time Christian friends, you find yourself in
a National Lottery outlet, get your wallet out and buy a ticket. Consider the money
spent as a modest form of tax.
Most importantly, remember that you are not condemned in
scripture for such an act. Indeed, should you be blessed with a win, use your
new found wealth, which has come from the Living God, to help as many people as
possible who you know to be in need.
It’s an ‘odds-on racing certainty’ that God will
bless all who have such a mind-set!
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