In common with tens of
thousands of Scotland’s Christians I was perturbed by the recent arrest of
Pastor Josh Williamson for preaching the Gospel of salvation on Perth High
Street. As a supporter of our police my initial reaction was disappointment,
but acceptance that most of the time, police officers usually get things right.
However having read Pastor
Williamson’s description of what happened, and given that the events were
captured on video, the Pastor would have no reason to exaggerate or fabricate
what had taken place. Looking at the evidence, it is clear that Police Scotland
has a big problem in terms of its officers’ knowledge and understanding of the
This was confirmed through a
little internet research which led me to article in the online journal
‘Sovereignty’ . I
am therefore taking the step of quoting a large part of the article because it
relates to the fundamentals of democracy...freedom of speech.
The preamble to the article
states that: ‘It examines the legality of street preaching, yet is applicable
for all activists, including those who find themselves speaking politically at
hustings or in the street. It is reprinted with permission and slightly
abridged from Christian Voice, Dec 2002. It is the law in England and Wales,
but the same general principles apply in
Summary of article from
“Preaching in the street is
lawful, even if it is contentious, unwelcome or provocative, and police
officers may not ask preachers to be silent, according to a landmark ruling
made in the Supreme Court in July 1999 as detailed here. This is the law of the
land in England and Wales.
In the case of a threatened
breach of the peace, the police must ask themselves where the threat is coming
from. Disproportionate behaviour from a crowd will not allow a presumption that
the preacher is responsible for the threat.
Street preachers wrongly
arrested or convicted may be able to claim damages from the Crown Prosecutor or
the Police.
Regarding the use of
amplification, the holding of placards, and alleged obstruction when preaching
or giving out tracts, the key test is reasonableness.
Many council bylaws and
police instructions used against preachers may be unlawful, but will only be
tested when someone is arrested and convicted and appeals to the High Court.”
Christians should continue
to support our police. They should pray that Police Scotland will continue to
effectively educate its officers in a clear understanding of the law, so that
those who are gifted and tasked by God, can take His message of salvation to
the streets of Scotland’s town and cities unmolested.
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