According to a recent
article in the Scotsman newspaper by journalist Craig Brown: “Unelected,
unscientific and self-serving” church leaders should not have the legal right
to make decisions on school education.
This was the preamble to his
piece focussing on a petition from Edinburgh Secular Society (ESS) to the Scottish
Parliament to repeal Section 124 of The Local Government Act which compels
local councils to appoint three religious representatives to their education
committees. In most local authorities, this means the education committee
comprises councillors, a representative from the Church of Scotland the Roman
Catholic Church plus one of the other denominations.
The ESS petition is
supported by The National Secular Society, the Humanist Society of Scotland and
the University of Edinburgh Humanist Society. Individuals supporting the
petition include Green MSP Patrick Harvie and SNP councillor Sandy Howat.
The ESS argues that because
the last census showed that nearly 50% of Scots said they had no religious
beliefs: “To afford a particular section of society a privileged position
within the decision making process based solely on their particular and
personal religious beliefs is profoundly and inherently undemocratic, unfair
and discriminatory.”
Predictably, the Catholic
Church and the Church of Scotland have both rightly condemned the petition.
As a born again Christian
and professional historian, I fully support our churches. The ESS petition is
simply another aggressive act by a militant minority to drive the Christian
faith from Scottish society and it won’t work.
The secularists conveniently
forget that today’s national system of free and compulsory education was
founded through the persistence of protestant reformer, John Knox and his
colleagues. The task was undertaken by church
parishes over a 200 year period, transforming Scotland from one of most
backward and illiterate counties in Europe to a nation of inventors, economists,
writers, doctors, entrepreneurs and missionaries.
The Church has been an
enormous force for good through its passion for education. It still has a vital
role to play today. Many of the religious representatives on our education
committees are former teachers who bring a wealth of experience to groups of
politicians who have little understanding of schools and the educational issues
of the day.
We should be defending and
celebrating the role of religious representatives on our education committees
not campaigning for their abolition.
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