I was more than a little
amused when I read a piece in the Daily Mail last week entitled: ‘Religion
could disappear by 2041 because people will have replaced God with possessions,
claims leading psychologist’.
The article focuses on the controversial
conclusions of Irish biopsychologist, Dr Nigel Barber, in his book, ‘Why
Atheism Will Replace religion’. Dr Barbour studied the beliefs of people in 137
different countries and concluded that there was a correlation between
development and religious belief. His key conclusion is that atheism increases
in more developed countries as their citizens become materially wealthy.
Writing in the journal
‘Psychology Today’, Dr Barber explained that in studies of countries which
presently have secular majorities, there was a developmental timeline. The key point in the timeline is when a
society reaches a stage where only a minority of the population believed in a
god, or a minority considered that a god was important to their lives.
Astonishingly, Dr Barber has
concluded that the average country will transform into a secular society in
2041. He has arrived at this date by measuring a country’s GDP and Human
Development Index and comparing this data with countries where atheists are
already a majority.
According to the Daily Mail
article, Dr Barber asserts: 'Religion evolved to help our ancestors cope with
anxiety and insecurity. ............supernatural belief is in decline
everywhere that ordinary people enjoy a decent standard of living and are
secure in their health and finances. The market for formal religion is also
being squeezed by modern substitutes such as sports and entertainment.’
As a born again Christian
who is also a professional historian I beg to differ with Dr Barber. While
Christianity is currently declining in Britain, looked at historically, there
is very clear evidence that belief in society goes in cycles. The historian Callum
Brown argues that there is clear evidence for cycles of belief: "Between
1945 and 1958 there were surges of British church membership, Sunday school
enrolment, Church of England Easter Day communicants, baptisms and religious
solemnisation of marriage, accompanied by immense popularity for evangelical
‘revivalist' crusades."
The Bible records that Jesus
himself said that in the last days before his return there would be a falling
away and deception amongst Christians. The Gospel of Matthew in Chapter 24 clearly
records Jesus’ description of what will happen.
‘As Jesus was sitting on the
Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said,
“when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end
of the age?”
Jesus answered: “Watch out
that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the
Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but
see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is
still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the
beginning of birth pains.
Then you will be handed over
to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because
of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate
each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because
of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who
stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be
preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end
will come.’
So am I worried that
Christians might be in a tiny minority in the future? Certainly not, because God
is in control and has a plan for His Church across the world. I am therefore
sure that faith in Christ will be at least as strong, if not much stronger in
2041 than it is now.
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