You would expect that the
senior officers of our best known charities would be motivated by altruism
rather than material reward. Not so! An investigation by Christopher Hope,
Senior Political Correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph into the accounts of 14 charities of the Disaster Emergency
Committee reveals a very different picture.
The table below shows the
2012 salaries of the charities’ CEOs.
Charity Chief Executive Officer 2012 Salary
Action Aid Richard
Miller £88,933
International Michelle
Mitchell £90,000-£100,000
British Red
Cross Sir Nick Young £184,000
Cafod Chris Bain £87,567
Intl. Geoff
Dennis £100,-110,000
Christian Aid
Minghella £123,729
Worldwide Rose Caldwell £60,000-£70,000
Islamic Relief Mohamed Ashmawey N/A (no employee paid over
£60,000 in 2011)
Merlin David
Alexander (interim) N/A
(highest salary paid in
2011 was £110,000- £119,999)
Oxfam Dame
Barbara Stocking £105,943
Plan UK Marie Staunton £90,001 to
Save the
Children Anabel Hoult £168,653
Tearfund Matthew Frost £92,000
World Vision Justin Byworth £95,988
Although salaries are lower
than remunerations in the private sector, 11 of the CEOs received more than PM
David Cameron’s annual salary.
Many of these charities depend partially on public funds
receiving over £1.1 billion in the past three years from the UK Government, the
EU and the UN. They are not however subject to the same level of scrutiny and accountability
as the government or quangos. This should be a real concern for ordinary people
who make donations and work hard to raise funds for these organisations.
William Shawcross, chairman of the Charity Commission has
been severely critical of charities failure to deal with executive excess. Speaking
to the Telegraph he said: “It is not for the commission to tell charities how
much they should pay their executives. That is a matter for their trustees. However, in these difficult times, when many
charities are experiencing shortfalls, trustees should consider whether very
high salaries are really appropriate, and fair to both the donors and the
taxpayers who fund charities.
Disproportionate salaries risk bringing organisations and
the wider charitable world into disrepute.”
Well said Mr Shawcross.
Many Christians across the UK will be outraged by the
obscenity of the inflated salaries paid to these CEOs, some of whom head up
Christian organisations!! These people are literally stealing from the world’s
poor and vulnerable. There is no excuse for this!!
In future when asked to give, I will have two questions:
1. What
are the aims of your organisation?
2. How
much is your CEO paid?
I will not be donating to organisations paying excessive
salaries to their CEO. Readers should
consider doing the same.
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